Particulars of Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff

Particulars of Teaching Staff:

1. Principal-1

2. Lecturer-18 (12 Regular +1 Guest + 2 Contract+ 3 Part Timer)

3. TGT-25(14 Regular+1 Contract+ 1 Guest +9 SSA)

4.Counsellor-1 (Outsourced)

5. JBT-17(8 Regular + 3 Guest +6 SSA)

6. NTT (2 Regular)

7. Computer Instructor-2 (1 Senior and 1 Junior)

8. Resource Person Music-1

9. Resource Person-1

10. STT-1

11. ECCE Interns-1

12. IT Skill Trainer-1 (Vocational)

13. Beauty & Wellness Trainer-1 (Vocational)

Particulars of Non-Teaching Staff:

1. Accountant-1

2. Clerk-1

3. CRC-1

4. SLA (1 Regular)

5. LA (2 DC Rates)

6. Data Entry Operator-1

7. CWSN Attendant-1

8. Peon-2 (1 Regular+1 DC Rates)

9. Mali-3 (1 Regular+2 DC Rates)

10. Aya-1 (Outsource)

11. Sweeper-6 (5 DC Rates+1 Outsource)

12. Gatekeeper-1 (DC Rates)

13. Cook-cum-Helper MDM-5